The CRANAplus offices will be closed from midday Tuesday 24 December and will reopen on Thursday 2 January 2025. The CRANAplus Bush Support Line is available throughout the holidays and can be contacted at any time on 1800 805 391.

Cen­tre for Remote Health

The Cen­tre for Remote Health offers a broad range of edu­ca­tion­al activ­i­ties for health pro­fes­sion­als work­ing in rur­al and remote regions of Aus­tralia, and for those who have an inter­est in join­ing this work­force. Course range from TRAN (tran­si­tion to remote area nurs­ing), phar­ma­cother­a­peu­tics, trau­ma skills and more.

Resource Type: Website / Webpage
Author: Cen­tre for Remote Health
Resource Location:
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