There are no places avail­able on the course I want to attend. What can I do?

You can reg­is­ter for the wait­list for course dates or express your inter­est in upcom­ing cours­es on oth­er dates via the CRANAplus web­site.

Can I pay for a course in instalments?

We can only accept full pay­ment to secure your place on a course. Con­tact us for alter­na­tives that may be avail­able to you.

How can my employ­er pay for my course registration?

Con­tact us to request a quote that can be giv­en to your employer.

When is the course sched­ule released?

The next year’s course sched­ule is usu­al­ly released in Octo­ber. The sched­ule is released to CRANAplus Mem­bers two weeks ear­ly. Sub­scribe to the CRANA­pulse Newslet­ter to receive updates.

Where is the course going to be? What time does it start?

The venue address is list­ed in the CRANAplus Dash­board under the face-to-face cours­es sec­tion in the Edu­ca­tion tab along with the sched­uled dates and times. We rec­om­mend you arrive 15 min­utes early.

Is lunch provided?

Morn­ing tea, lunch and after­noon tea are pro­vid­ed for the dura­tion of the course. If you have spe­cif­ic dietary require­ments, make sure they’re list­ed in your pro­file in the CRANAplus Dash­board.

When do I get access to the pre-course work?

Access dates to the pre-course work are list­ed in your enrol­ment con­fir­ma­tion email.

COVID-19: What do I need to know?

CRANAplus has a COVID Safe Plan in place. We also sug­gest you ensure you are famil­iar with the local State and Ter­ri­to­ry Gov­ern­ment COVID-19 reg­u­la­tions and require­ments, as they will apply whilst you are a par­tic­i­pant on course.

Please do not attend the course venue if you are unwell, or if you meet the def­i­n­i­tion of a close con­tact in the state/​territory where the course is held. 

Can I trans­fer to anoth­er course?

We are unable to trans­fer between cours­es: you will need to can­cel your enrol­ment and rebook. For more infor­ma­tion, please view our With­drawals, Can­cel­la­tions and Refunds pol­i­cy on this page.

I can’t make it to the course any­more. Can I get a refund?

If you noti­fy us more than 28 cal­en­dar days before the face-to-face work­shop com­mences you will be refund­ed the amount of the course fees minus a $50 admin­is­tra­tion fee. 

If your noti­fi­ca­tion is received with­in the 28 cal­en­dar days before the face-to-face work­shop com­mences your course fees will not be refunded.

CRANAplus can­not accept respon­si­bil­i­ty due to changes to work com­mit­ments or per­son­al cir­cum­stances. For more detailed infor­ma­tion, please view our With­drawals, Can­cel­la­tions and Refunds pol­i­cy on this page.

Where can I send my feed­back, complaints/​or compliments?

CRANAplus wel­comes and invites com­pli­ments and feed­back to be shared with our per­son­nel infor­mal­ly or for­mal­ly. Com­pli­ments or feed­back regard­ing CRANAplus per­son­nel, ser­vice deliv­ery, or con­duct can be shared through a range of avenues: 

Each of the above-men­tioned con­tact points will then refer the mat­ter to the rel­e­vant Exec­u­tive Mem­ber for appro­pri­ate con­sid­er­a­tion and action. 

I have a work-relat­ed injury. Can I still attend the course?

Sub­mit an enquiry and we will assess your indi­vid­ual sit­u­a­tion in con­junc­tion with your course coordinator. 

I’ve met all of the course require­ments. Where is my certificate?

Online course cer­tifi­cates are gen­er­at­ed auto­mat­i­cal­ly and will be issued with­in 24 hours after the com­ple­tion of modules. 

Face-to-face course par­tic­i­pants are required to suc­cess­ful­ly com­plete both online and prac­ti­cal com­po­nents to achieve their cer­tifi­cate which will be issued with­in the week fol­low­ing the course. 

Once processed, your cer­tifi­cate will be emailed to you and avail­able any time via the CRANAplus Dashboard.

How many CPD points are allocated?

CPD hours are self-record­ed and self-report­ed if audit­ed. 1 hour = 1 CPD point.

The Nurs­ing and Mid­wifery Board of Aus­tralia pro­vides a com­pre­hen­sive overview on how to record your CPD. It is required that you to main­tain a CPD Jour­nal and Port­fo­lio.

Doc­u­men­ta­tion of self-direct­ed CPD must include dates, a brief descrip­tion of the out­comes, and the num­ber of hours spent in each activity.