This resource will be an intro­duc­tion to some diver­si­ty themes including: 

  • Abo­rig­i­nal and Tor­res Strait Islander People
  • Peo­ple from Cul­tur­al­ly and Lin­guis­ti­cal­ly Diverse (CALD) backgrounds
  • Peo­ple with a Disability
  • Peo­ple that iden­ti­fy as Les­bian, Gay, Bisex­u­al, Trans, Inter­sex, Queer/​Questioning (LGB­TIQ)
  • Peo­ple who live in rur­al and remote areas of Australia.

Who is this resource for?

The aged care work­force includ­ing nurs­es, care workers/​personal care atten­dants, med­ical and allied health pro­fes­sion­als. Whilst this resource is ide­al­ly suit­ed for health pro­fes­sion­als work­ing in aged care it is also very rel­e­vant for non-health pro­fes­sion­als; car­ers and vol­un­teers assist­ing old­er Australians. 

Learn­ing Objectives

  • To gain an under­stand­ing of diver­si­ty in the aged care setting
  • To con­sid­er ways to pro­mote inclu­siv­i­ty in the aged care set­ting includ­ing the home, com­mu­ni­ty and res­i­den­tial aged care facility
  • To iden­ti­fy per­ceived or actu­al bar­ri­ers which may pre­vent peo­ple from access­ing the aged care ser­vices they need
  • To explore com­mu­ni­ca­tion meth­ods that enhance bet­ter under­stand­ing in care planning