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LINKS Mentoring Program - Training for Mentees
A learning module for mentees who wish to participate in the LINKS Mentoring Program.
Are you keen to develop as a professional through a formal mentorship arrangement? The CRANAplus LINKS Mentoring Program might be for you.
This program is open to all health professionals, regardless of your level of experience. You can participate as a mentee whether you are early career, new to remote, and experienced.
Even experienced remote clinicians can find themselves in new situations; for example, when taking on management or leadership roles.
We recommend you complete this course before participating in the LINKS Mentoring Program as a mentee.
Overarching goals of this module
- Assist health practitioners to develop/refresh knowledge and skills about mentoring and what’s involved in a mentoring relationship for both mentors and mentees (in informal or formal mentoring arrangements, such as LINKS).
- Support the development of transferable leadership capabilities.
- Build workforce capacity and opportunities for recent graduates, early career professionals and those new to rural and remote practice to be mentored by experienced practitioners.