Res­i­den­tial Aged Care Facil­i­ties (RACFs) have the chal­leng­ing and reward­ing task of pro­vid­ing the best pos­si­ble life for their res­i­dents, includ­ing ade­quate food and nutri­tion. Res­i­dents have wide-rang­ing needs and dif­fer­ent life-long habits and can be at risk of mal­nu­tri­tion when they depend on oth­ers to pro­vide their food. Food and nutri­tion play a vital role in meet­ing the phys­i­cal and func­tion­al needs of old­er peo­ple and con­tribute sig­nif­i­cant­ly to their qual­i­ty of life. 

This resource will detail 3 areas of nutri­tion edu­ca­tion including: 

  1. Get­ting nutri­tion right
  2. Shap­ing spe­cif­ic diets
  3. Mak­ing nutri­tion enjoyable

The learn­er will be pro­vid­ed thought-pro­vok­ing and inspir­ing ideas; greater aware­ness about the nutri­tion­al needs of res­i­dents; and prac­ti­cal and help­ful tips to man­age dietary needs of residents.