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Puntukurnu Aboriginal Medical Service

Puntukurnu Aboriginal Medical Service presently provides services to Jigalong, Punmu, Kunawarritji and Parnngurr with a client base of 830 and growing.

PAMS’ Clin­ics are locat­ed at Jiga­long (Hub), Pun­mu, Parn­ngurr and Kunawar­ritji; for ref­er­ence the straight line dis­tance from Jiga­long to Kunawar­ritji is approx­i­mate­ly 430 kilo­me­tres, the dis­tance from Kunawar­ritji to Port Hed­land by road is 763 kilometers.

PAMS has over 830 reg­is­tered clients with the major­i­ty liv­ing in Jigalong.

Just over 90% of the clients are Abo­rig­i­nal with most being Mar­tu. Dur­ing 2009 – 2010 over 20,000 Episodes of Care were pro­vid­ed by the med­ical staff, GPs, Nurs­es and Abo­rig­i­nal Health Workers.