The CRANAplus offices will be closed from midday Tuesday 24 December and will reopen on Thursday 2 January 2025. The CRANAplus Bush Support Line is available throughout the holidays and can be contacted at any time on 1300 805 391.

Katherine West Health Board

Providing primary health care services in the Northern Territory's Mid-West.

Estab­lished in 1998, the Kather­ine West Health Board Abo­rig­i­nal Cor­po­ra­tion is the sole provider of pri­ma­ry health care ser­vices (clin­i­cal, emer­gency and pre­ven­ta­tive) to most­ly abo­rig­i­nal clients over a 162,000 sq/​km region on the west­ern side of the North­ern Territory.

This enor­mous area of rolling bush, riv­er and desert coun­try extends from Kather­ine in the north east, to the North­ern tip of the Tana­mi Desert in the south west, and all the way into the sun­set at the West­ern Aus­tralia Border.

We adhere to the prin­ci­ple of abo­rig­i­nal com­mu­ni­ty con­trol and are gov­erned by a board of elect­ed abo­rig­i­nal com­mu­ni­ty mem­bers, who guide us in pro­vid­ing the best ser­vices pos­si­ble to com­mu­ni­ty mem­bers through­out our region. We face many chal­lenges to bet­ter health out­comes for our com­mu­ni­ties; how­ev­er we are res­olute­ly com­mit­ted in work­ing to pro­vide improved health ser­vices, guid­ance and out­comes for every per­son in our region.

Kather­ine West Health Board owns and oper­ates sev­en ful­ly equipped health cen­tres in com­mu­ni­ties of vary­ing size. Our largest com­mu­ni­ty has 1500 per­ma­nent res­i­dents, while our small­est health cen­tre ser­vices only 40 per­ma­nent res­i­dents. Our Com­mu­ni­ty Health Cen­ters are staffed by GPs, Reg­is­tered Nurs­ing Staff, Admin Staff, ful­ly trained Abo­rig­i­nal Health Work­ers and a grow­ing com­ple­ment of train­ing Abo­rig­i­nal Health Work­ers. We also wel­come the ongo­ing con­tri­bu­tion of vis­it­ing spe­cial­ists, who con­sult in our region frequently.

Kather­ine West Health Cen­tres are­lo­cat­ed in the com­mu­ni­ties of; Bul­la , Kalka­rind­ji , Laja­manu , Mialu­ni , Pigeon Hole , Tim­ber Creek and Yarralin.

We also have a Mobile Health Team that trav­els to the vary­ing out­sta­tions and cat­tle prop­er­ties to ser­vice the health needs of the work­ers and res­i­dents of these remote out­back posts.

Out­sta­tions ser­viced by KWHB Mobile Pro­gram are Dilinya,Djarrung, Innes­vale, Fitzroy, Old Top Springs, Mis­take Creek, Waterloo,Rosewood, Nel­son Springs , Bam­boo Springs, Buck­et Springs, Bub­ble Bub­ble, Doo­jum, Mar­ralam Out­sta­tion and Knee­bone Outstation.