Please note: Our Cairns office will be permanently closed from Friday 14 March 2025, and Adelaide will commence operation as our central hub. For any enquiries, please reach out to us directly.
Corporate Members
CRANAplus is proud of its partnership with these outstanding organisations.
Katherine West Health Board
Providing primary health care services in the Northern Territory's Mid-West.
Established in 1998, the Katherine West Health Board Aboriginal Corporation is the sole provider of primary health care services (clinical, emergency and preventative) to mostly aboriginal clients over a 162,000 sq/km region on the western side of the Northern Territory.
This enormous area of rolling bush, river and desert country extends from Katherine in the north east, to the Northern tip of the Tanami Desert in the south west, and all the way into the sunset at the Western Australia Border.
We adhere to the principle of aboriginal community control and are governed by a board of elected aboriginal community members, who guide us in providing the best services possible to community members throughout our region. We face many challenges to better health outcomes for our communities; however we are resolutely committed in working to provide improved health services, guidance and outcomes for every person in our region.
Katherine West Health Board owns and operates seven fully equipped health centres in communities of varying size. Our largest community has 1500 permanent residents, while our smallest health centre services only 40 permanent residents. Our Community Health Centers are staffed by GPs, Registered Nursing Staff, Admin Staff, fully trained Aboriginal Health Workers and a growing complement of training Aboriginal Health Workers. We also welcome the ongoing contribution of visiting specialists, who consult in our region frequently.
Katherine West Health Centres arelocated in the communities of; Bulla , Kalkarindji , Lajamanu , Mialuni , Pigeon Hole , Timber Creek and Yarralin.
We also have a Mobile Health Team that travels to the varying outstations and cattle properties to service the health needs of the workers and residents of these remote outback posts.
Outstations serviced by KWHB Mobile Program are Dilinya,Djarrung, Innesvale, Fitzroy, Old Top Springs, Mistake Creek, Waterloo,Rosewood, Nelson Springs , Bamboo Springs, Bucket Springs, Bubble Bubble, Doojum, Marralam Outstation and Kneebone Outstation.