
With more than 10 years’ experience of placing nurses into health facilities across the country, HealthX is the employer of choice and staffing specialist for rural, regional and remote Australia.

Our sto­ry began in 2008 when we set out to solve nurs­ing short­ages across region­al and remote Aus­tralia. We saw a des­per­ate need for expe­ri­enced nurs­es in these areas with­out the tal­ent pool avail­able in Aus­tralia. So, we set about attract­ing and employ­ing high­ly skilled nurs­es from over­seas, to build long term nurs­ing capac­i­ty with­in these regions.

10 years on, the suc­cess of our nurs­ing solu­tions and our strong inter­na­tion­al rep­u­ta­tion as an Aus­tralian nurs­ing employ­er, has seen HealthX expand to the Unit­ed King­dom, open­ing our Lon­don office in 2018.

HealthX is not a nurs­ing agency and we are not a recruit­ment com­pa­ny. We are the proud employ­er and spon­sor of our nurs­es that pro­vide long term and sus­tain­able nurs­ing care for our client organ­i­sa­tions.

HealthX also employs a team of high­ly expe­ri­enced con­tract nurs­es to sup­port our clients and nurs­es dur­ing inter­im peri­ods of needs.

We pride our­selves on being the employ­er of choice. As we employ the world’s best nurs­es for region­al and rur­al Aus­tralia.

HealthX is car­ing, help­ful, con­tactable, fast and efficient.