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Corporate Members
CRANAplus is proud of its partnership with these outstanding organisations.
Miwatj Health Aboriginal Corporation
Miwatj Health Aboriginal Corporation is an Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (ACCHO) designed to facilitate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander (Yolŋu) people in communities across East Arnhem Land taking control over their health. In addition to our Miwatj clinical services, acute care, chronic disease management and longer-term preventive care, our ACCHO focuses on education and primary prevention programs to tackle the most important risk factors for Aboriginal health in this region. Today, a significant proportion of our Miwatj workforce are Yolŋu, however, we also depend on health professionals from elsewhere who work together with Yolŋu staff, and the wider community to provide integrated and culturally safe services.
Head office: 08 8939 1900 Darwin: 08 8919 4740