Purple House - Western Desert Nganampa Walytja Palyantjuka Tjutaku Aboriginal Corporation

"Making our families well"



Faced with the prospect of their fam­i­ly mem­bers being forced to move away from coun­try to seek treat­ment for End Stage Renal Fail­ure, Pin­tupi peo­ple formed the West­ern Desert Dial­y­sis Appeal. Their aim was to sup­port renal patients and their fam­i­lies and return them to their coun­try and fam­i­lies where they belong. In 2003 we were incor­po­rat­ed as West­ern Desert Nganam­pa Walyt­ja Palyan­t­jaku Tju­taku Abo­rig­i­nal Cor­po­ra­tion (WDNW­PT). Our title means mak­ing all our fam­i­lies well’. It recog­nis­es that if patients are sick and far from home, fam­i­lies and com­mu­ni­ties are sick and dys­func­tion­al too. By return­ing dial­y­sis patients to their com­mu­ni­ties where they can be sup­port­ed by their fam­i­lies and can take part in com­mu­ni­ty life, they are health­i­er and hap­pi­er, and com­mu­ni­ties ben­e­fit from their presence.