Talent Quarter

Talent Quarter specialises in the Recruitment of Nurses and Midwives, Doctors, Allied Health professionals and Social Care Workers.



We’re peo­ple who care.

Peo­ple who can do.

Peo­ple who make a dif­fer­ence.

While the Tal­ent Quar­ter name is a recent arrival, our team are no strangers to the Aus­tralian health care indus­try. Our new brand was launched in 2021 and we are proud to be a 100% Aus­tralian-owned leader in spe­cial­ist recruit­ing.

Our busi­ness mis­sion is sim­ple as we work with a shared and sin­gu­lar pur­pose – con­nect­ing the best health care tal­ent with the best oppor­tu­ni­ties to have a pos­i­tive impact on people’s lives!

The qual­i­ties that we val­ue in our own team we also val­ue in oth­ers and that’s how we recog­nise the peo­ple with the expe­ri­ence and skills, the pas­sion, and the moti­va­tion to help us cre­ate CON­NEC­TIONS WITH IMPACT. And, by empow­er­ing peo­ple to deliv­er that dif­fer­ence, we aim to be your agency of choice in health­care recruit­ment.

We work in close part­ner­ship with health­care and social care organ­i­sa­tions and providers to match their needs with the very best tal­ent. While we active­ly recruit in all metro across Aus­tralia, we also have spe­cial­ist exper­tise and under­stand­ing of the unique chal­lenges of region­al and remote area recruit­ing. Across Aus­tralia we pro­vide casu­al, fixed term, locum and per­ma­nent staffing solutions.

NSW, VIC, TAS & QLD 02 9549 5700

WA, SA & NT08 9381 4343