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CRANAplus is proud of its partnership with these outstanding organisations.
Australasian College of Health Service Management (ACHSM)
The Australasian College of Health Service Management (‘The College’) is the peak professional body for health managers in Australasia and brings together health leaders to learn, network and share ideas. The mission of the College is to recognise, develop and support effective health leadership and management to deliver quality services and improve health and wellbeing.
The Australasian College of Health Service Management (‘The College’) is the peak professional body for health managers in Australasia and brings together health leaders to learn, network and share ideas. The mission of the College is to recognise, develop and support effective health leadership and management to deliver quality services and improve health and wellbeing by:
- providing the best professional development and networking opportunities for health managers
- advocating for and promoting the health management profession
- recognising the achievements of health service managers
- promoting innovation and excellence.