Aus­tralian Health Sec­tor Emer­gency Response (COVID-19) & Fact Sheets

Aus­tralian Health Sec­tor Emer­gency Response Plan

The Aus­tralian Health Sec­tor Emer­gency Response Plan for Nov­el Coro­n­avirus (the COVID-19 Plan) guides the Aus­tralian health sec­tor response.

Resource Type: Website / Webpage
Author: Australian Government Department of Health
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Aus­tralian Health Sec­tor Emer­gency Response Plan for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Populations

The Aus­tralian Health Sec­tor Emer­gency Response Plan for Nov­el Coro­n­avirus guides the Aus­tralian health sec­tor response. This man­age­ment plan focus­es on our Abo­rig­i­nal and Tor­res Strait Islander peo­ples.

Resource Type: Publication
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COVID-19 National Health Plan Factsheet

A mea­sure to sup­port remote com­mu­ni­ties to min­imise the like­li­hood of expo­sure to COVID-19.

Resource Type: Publication
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