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On this page, we bring together a definitive collection of resources that provide guidance on standards, regulations, health initiatives and best practice.
Australian Government Department of Health Resources
Guide to Fitting and Removing PPE
A two page PDF that explains how to correctly fit and remove personal protective equipment (PPE) for healthcare staff.
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Sequence for Putting On and Removing PPE - NHMRC
The Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care provide guidance to support health service organisations with risk assessment in relation to COVID-19.
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NSQHS Risk Assessment Guide
The Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care provide guidance to support health service organisations with risk assessment in relation to COVID-19.
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COVID-19 Symptom Identification Guide
How to identify the symptoms of COVID-19 and how they are different from a common cold or flu.
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Daily COVID-19 Updates
Daily updates on the status of the COVID-19 pandemic from the Australian federal government.
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Coronavirus advice for Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander peoples and remote communities.
Information on how to protect yourself and your mob.
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State by State Restrictions
Make sure you have up to date information about restrictions in your state or territory.
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COVID-19 Restriction Checker
Some types of gatherings, activities and businesses have been restricted in Australia to help stop the spread of COVID-19. Find out what you can and can't do in your state or territory.
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COVID-19 Vaccine Initiatives and Programs
The latest news and information about COVID-19 vaccines in Australia.
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