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Remote Health Workforce Project Report: Shark Bay
This project was a pilot study undertaken by CRANAplus in collaboration with Silver Chain Group based in Shark Bay in the Gascoyne Region, Western Australia.
The overall aim was to provide a comprehensive understanding of the diversity and unique characteristics of remote health, in recognition of the limited data, which reflects the primary health care activities and occasions of service provided across remote Australia. Specifically, we endeavoured to capture the occasions of care delivered by Nurses in a remote setting context. Shark Bay has a Nurse Practitioner/Remote Area Nurse service model.
The project resulted in a data collection tool and process to collect occasions of service encompassing direct and non-direct activities. Feedback reported it was ‘easy to use and forms the basis of a consistent taxonomy to be used across the sector.’
This was a small study but opportunities do exist to replicate, using the tools delivered, in other remote health care settings to assist with future service and workforce planning.
A special ‘Thank You’ to Silver Chain, for their collaboration with this Project, and would like to acknowledge two staff members Sandy Bell the Nurse Practitioner at Shark Bay, and Lesley Pearson, Regional Manager for their contribution to the study.