Will you be joining us at the 2024 Remote Nursing & Midwifery Conference?
23-25 October 2024, Naarm/Melbourne. Click here to view our preliminary program or to register.

Registered Nurse - Acute


Posted: 12 Jun 2024

Location: Port Pirie, Yorke Peninsula & Clare Valley SA

YNA are seeking RN L1 Y3 + to work in a public hospital in the Acute and ED sector.

  • Nurs­ing — Gen­er­al Med­ical & Sur­gi­cal (Health­care & Medical)
  • Casual/​Vacation
  • $49 – $69/​hr accord­ing to expe­ri­ence & shift

What we offer
• Free­dom to bal­ance your life with work assign­ments to suit
• Great rates, week­ly pay & 24/7 support
• Free uni­form & pro­fes­sion­al indem­ni­ty insurance
• Join­ing & refer­ral bonus schemes 
• Assign­ments includ­ing trav­el & accommodation
• Free e‑learning plat­form to update manda­to­ry skills. 

About the Role
As an RN in the YNA Region­al and Remote team, you’ll get the oppor­tu­ni­ty to work in pub­lic hos­pi­tals across Aus­tralia. We place you in acute set­tings suit­ed to your skillset and we always con­sid­er your pref­er­ences. As a sup­pli­er to Health depart­ments in most states, YNA can offer assign­ments of var­i­ous durations. 

YNA are seek­ing RN L1 Y3 + to work in a pub­lic hos­pi­tal in the Acute and ED sec­tor. Must have ALS, Triage and Resus expe­ri­ence. Avail­able for any­where between 1- 6 months. Full time ros­ter, accom­mo­da­tion and trav­el pro­vid­ed with­in SA

About YNA
YNA is 100% Aus­tralian owned and man­aged, sup­port­ing team mem­bers and clients nation­al­ly. We place qual­i­fied RNs, ENs and AINs in hos­pi­tals. res­i­den­tial aged care and in the com­mu­ni­ty. We pride our­selves on the sup­port we give to all our team mem­bers in every role. Know that you will be backed by an expert team of qual­i­fied health pro­fes­sion­als at every stage.

What you will bring to the role
AHPRA reg­is­tra­tion — with no restrictions 
• Min­i­mum 3 years post grad­u­ate experience
• Cur­rent clin­i­cal com­pe­ten­cies & police clearance 

YNA can help you gain all the nec­es­sary com­pe­ten­cies and clear­ances at no cost. Our e‑Learning plat­form and fast tracked crim­i­nal screen­ing make it easy
for you to start shifts quick­ly. Our pro­fes­sion­al recruit­ment team will guide you through the appli­ca­tion process and ensure your expe­ri­ence is smooth and straightforward.

Apply online at www. yna​.com​.au OR email us at recruitment.​regional@​yna.​com.​au OR call 7129 5080.

YNA is com­mit­ted to an inclu­sive work­force and encour­ages appli­ca­tions from peo­ple of cul­tur­al­ly diverse back­grounds, includ­ing those who iden­ti­fy as part of the Aus­tralian Abo­rig­i­nal and/​or Tor­res Strait Islander Community.