Please note: Our Cairns office will be per­ma­nent­ly closed from Fri­day 14 March 2025, and Ade­laide will commence oper­ation as our cen­tral hub. For any enquiries, please reach out to us directly.

Exciting Remote Area Nurse (RAN) Opportunities


Posted: 20 Feb 2025

Location: Remote Kimberley WA

Make a meaningful difference in rural and remote locations across the famous Kimberley region of WA! Unveil the beauty of Nature and the charm of local traditions on your next unforgettable adventure!

You’ll have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to earn a com­pet­i­tive pay, all while enjoy­ing the flex­i­bil­i­ty and auton­o­my of remote health­care work! 

Medacs Health­care is seek­ing pas­sion­ate and ded­i­cat­ed Reg­is­tered Nurs­es to pro­vide pri­ma­ry health care ser­vices in remote communities.

Why Join Medacs?

  • Ongo­ing Sup­port: Be sup­port­ed by Medacs staff who have first­hand expe­ri­ence liv­ing and work­ing in remote communities
  • On board­ing: Sim­pli­fied and sup­port­ive on board­ing process.
  • Flex­i­ble Start Dates: Medacs pro­motes work life bal­ance – pick con­tract start dates that work for you. 
  • Great Ben­e­fits: Com­pet­i­tive agency rates and salary packaging
  • Trav­el & Accom­mo­da­tion: Cov­ered for eli­gi­ble con­tracts (T&Cs apply)
  • Refer­ral Bonus: Refer a friend and earn rewards (T&Cs apply)

What We’re Look­ing For:

Remote Area Nurs­es who can deliv­er com­pre­hen­sive, holis­tic care, includ­ing emer­gency response adapt­ed to indi­vid­ual patient needs. 

Essen­tial Criteria:

  • Cur­rent, unre­strict­ed AHPRA registration 
  • Strong emer­gency care expe­ri­ence and abil­i­ty to work on-call
  • A valid man­u­al driver’s license
  • Cur­rent certifications/​work­ing towards: ALS, PALS, REC, MEC, Immu­nis­er and phar­ma­cother­a­peu­tics (or equivalent) 
  • Nurs­ing degree and a min­i­mum of five years clin­i­cal nurs­ing expe­ri­ence as a Reg­is­tered Nurse in Australia
  • Post-grad­u­ate qual­i­fi­ca­tions (wel­comed)
  • Pre­vi­ous expe­ri­ence in Aus­tralian pri­ma­ry health­care clin­ics or small rur­al facil­i­ty (High­ly desirable) 

Ready to Apply?

Please send a copy of your updat­ed CV to kate.​holz@​medacs.​com or for fur­ther infor­ma­tion please call me on 0401249351.

Join us in deliv­er­ing vital health­care ser­vices to remote com­mu­ni­ties. Start your new excit­ing jour­ney with Medacs today!