Please note: Our Cairns office will be per­ma­nent­ly closed from Fri­day 14 March 2025, and Ade­laide will commence oper­ation as our cen­tral hub. For any enquiries, please reach out to us directly.

Exciting Remote Area Nurse (RAN) Opportunities


Posted: 20 Feb 2025

Location: Torres and Cape QLD

Make a meaningful difference in rural and remote locations across the stunning Far North of QLD.

You’ll have the opportunity to enjoying the flexibility and autonomy of remote healthcare work!

Medacs Health­care is seek­ing pas­sion­ate and ded­i­cat­ed Reg­is­tered Nurs­es to pro­vide pri­ma­ry health care ser­vices in remote communities.

Why Join Medacs?

  • Ongo­ing Sup­port: Be sup­port­ed by Medacs staff who have first­hand expe­ri­ence liv­ing and work­ing in remote communities
  • On board­ing: Sim­pli­fied and sup­port­ive onboard­ing process.
  • Flex­i­ble Start Dates: Medacs pro­motes work life bal­ance – pick con­tract start dates that work for you. 
  • Great Ben­e­fits: Com­pet­i­tive agency rates and salary packaging
  • Trav­el & Accom­mo­da­tion: Cov­ered for eli­gi­ble con­tracts (T&Cs apply)
  • Refer­ral Bonus: Refer a friend and earn rewards (T&Cs apply)

What We’re Look­ing For:

Remote Area Nurs­es who can deliv­er com­pre­hen­sive, holis­tic care, includ­ing emer­gency response adapt­ed to indi­vid­ual patient needs. 

Essen­tial Criteria:

  • Cur­rent, unre­strict­ed AHPRA registration 
  • Strong emer­gency care expe­ri­ence and abil­i­ty to work on-call
  • Cur­rent certifications/​work­ing towards: ALS, PALS, REC, MEC, Immu­nis­er and RIPRN (or equivalent) 
  • Nurs­ing degree and a min­i­mum of five years clin­i­cal nurs­ing expe­ri­ence as a Reg­is­tered Nurse in Australia
  • Post-grad­u­ate qual­i­fi­ca­tions (wel­comed)
  • Pre­vi­ous expe­ri­ence in Aus­tralian remote pri­ma­ry health­care clin­ics or small rur­al facil­i­ty (High­ly desirable) 

Ready to Apply?

Please send a copy of your updat­ed CV to kate.​holz@​medacs.​com or for fur­ther infor­ma­tion please call me on 0401249351.

Join us in deliv­er­ing vital health­care ser­vices to remote com­mu­ni­ties. Start your new excit­ing jour­ney with Medacs today!