Please note: Our Cairns office will be per­ma­nent­ly closed from Fri­day 14 March 2025, and Ade­laide will commence oper­ation as our cen­tral hub. For any enquiries, please reach out to us directly.

Nurse Practitioner – Wound Care (527658)


Posted: 19 Mar 2025

Location: North West TAS

Within a primary health framework and in accordance with Agency policy and procedures, the Nurse Practitioner - Wound Care is responsible for high level clinical leadership in the development, provision and evaluation of service that ensures optimal patient/client/family and community outcomes.

  • Per­ma­nent, Full Time
  • Tas­man­ian State Ser­vice – North West
  • Clos­ing: 18 April 2025

The Team:

The Nurse Prac­ti­tion­er — Wound Care will work close­ly with the wider Com­mu­ni­ty Health Nurs­ing team con­sist­ing of Nurse Unit Man­agers, Nurse Prac­ti­tion­ers Clin­i­cal Nurse Con­sul­tants, Clin­i­cal Nurse Spe­cial­ists, Reg­is­tered Nurs­es & Enrolled Nurs­es across a num­ber of sites in North West Tas­ma­nia in pro­vid­ing a high lev­el of clin­i­cal­ly evi­dence-based nurs­ing care with­in the spe­cial­ty area of Com­plex Wound Management.

The Role:

With­in a pri­ma­ry health frame­work and in accor­dance with Agency pol­i­cy and pro­ce­dures, the Nurse Prac­ti­tion­er — Wound Care is respon­si­ble for high lev­el clin­i­cal lead­er­ship in the devel­op­ment, pro­vi­sion and eval­u­a­tion of ser­vice that ensures opti­mal patient/​client/​family and com­mu­ni­ty outcomes.

The Nurse Prac­ti­tion­er Wound Care will pro­vide clin­i­cal and pro­fes­sion­al lead­er­ship as an expert in the clin­i­cal field and will under­take com­pre­hen­sive health assess­ments and col­lab­o­rate and con­sult with oth­er mem­bers of the health care team to plan, imple­ment and eval­u­ate care. This inte­grat­ed approach will sup­port best prac­tice and max­imise client outcomes.

Note: — Please refer to the State­ment of Duties for all the selec­tion cri­te­ria of this posi­tion to address in your appli­ca­tion. https://careers.pageuppeople.c…

Why Tas­ma­nia:

The Depart­ment of Health Tas­ma­nia over­sees var­i­ous hos­pi­tals across the state, includ­ing the Roy­al Hobart Hos­pi­tal, Launce­s­ton Gen­er­al Hos­pi­tal, North­west Region­al Hos­pi­tal, and Mersey Com­mu­ni­ty Hos­pi­tal, as well as dis­trict hos­pi­tals and ambu­lance ser­vices. Addi­tion­al­ly, it pro­vides com­mu­ni­ty health, men­tal health, and pri­ma­ry health­care ser­vices to the Tas­man­ian com­mu­ni­ty through more than 300 sites.

Tas­ma­nia, Aus­trali­a’s only island state, offers unpar­al­leled nat­ur­al beau­ty and a lux­u­ri­ous lifestyle. Pur­su­ing your health career in Tasmania’s pub­lic health sys­tem means build­ing strong con­nec­tions with col­leagues and patients. It also means embrac­ing a lifestyle where you can enjoy extra­or­di­nary expe­ri­ences out­side of work while mak­ing a sig­nif­i­cant impact on the com­mu­ni­ty dur­ing work.

Details of appointment:

Per­ma­nent, full time, day work­er posi­tion, work­ing up to 76 hours per fortnight.

Salary: $144,146 per annum (Pro rata). Our Employ­er 11.5% super­an­nu­a­tion con­tri­bu­tion is on top of this amount.

In addi­tion, the fol­low­ing allowances cal­cu­lat­ed on the salaried incre­men­tal point may be available: 

  • Post Grad­u­ate Allowance of up to 7.5% based on qual­i­fi­ca­tion type

Ben­e­fits avail­able to eli­gi­ble candidates:

  • Pay­ment of $15,000 staged over three years is avail­able for Nurs­es and Mid­wives who move to Tas­ma­nia from inter­state and remain employed full time for three years or more, on top of relo­ca­tion allowance already available.
  • Trav­el and relo­ca­tion assis­tance sup­port avail­able up to $15,000 for eli­gi­ble appointees from over­seas, and up to $10,000 for appointees from interstate. 
  • Pro­fes­sion­al devel­op­ment and accel­er­at­ed pathways.
  • A range of leave enti­tle­ments, includ­ing study leave and Pro­fes­sion­al Devel­op­ment Support.
  • Fit­ness Pass­port – You, and your fam­i­ly can access 40+ fit­ness facil­i­ties across Tas­ma­nia for just $13.95 per week per per­son, or $25.95 for a family.

How to apply:

For more infor­ma­tion and how to apply, please vis­it our web­site https://careers.pageuppeople.c…

For fur­ther enquiries: 

Bron­wyn Miles 

Direc­tor of Nurs­ing — Chron­ic, Com­plex and Com­mu­ni­ty Services

Phone: (03) 6478 6160
Email: bronwyn.​miles@​ths.​tas.​gov.​au