Please note: Our Cairns office will be per­ma­nent­ly closed from Fri­day 14 March 2025, and Ade­laide will commence oper­ation as our cen­tral hub. For any enquiries, please reach out to us directly.

Permanent Remote Area Midwife (FIFO or based in the NT)


Posted: 21 Jan 2025

Location: East Arnhem Land NT

Are you a compassionate and experienced Remote Area Midwife looking for a career that makes a real difference? Join Miwatj Health Aboriginal Corporation and step into a role that goes beyond healthcare, where you’ll provide holistic, community-centered care across East Arnhem Land.

  • Work and help change the future for Abo­rig­i­nal healthcare
  • Work and help change the future for Abo­rig­i­nal healthcare
  • $119,634 — $128,524 per annum + 11.5% superannuation

Your oppor­tu­ni­ty. Be part of some­thing bigger.

As part of our ded­i­cat­ed, mul­ti-dis­ci­pli­nary teams, you will work in part­ner­ship with the Abo­rig­i­nal Health work­force in the Mater­nal and Women’s Health Pro­gram to deliv­er high-qual­i­ty ante­na­tal and post­na­tal care to clients across remote com­mu­ni­ties. Your exper­tise will help shape health­i­er futures for fam­i­lies in these com­mu­ni­ties, while your con­tri­bu­tions will extend beyond the clin­ic walls to empow­er and sup­port local women and their families.

Why Miwatj Health?

Miwatj Health RAM’s are not just clin­i­cians; they are part­ners in health, cul­tur­al respect, and com­mu­ni­ty resilience. You will:

  • Build rela­tion­ships and trust in Yolŋu communities.
  • Learn from and col­lab­o­rate with Indige­nous lead­ers and tra­di­tion­al healers.
  • Expe­ri­ence a deep con­nec­tion to cul­ture and envi­ron­ment while con­tribut­ing to sus­tain­able health outcomes

Why Join Us?

At Miwatj Health Abo­rig­i­nal Cor­poration, we offer the flex­i­bil­i­ty of a Per­ma­nent Fly-In Fly-Out (FIFO) Role or the oppor­tu­ni­ty to be Per­ma­nent Staff based in the com­mu­ni­ty.

Clin­ic Loca­tions:
Choose from one of our Remote Area Nurse (RAN) clin­ic locations:

  • Galiwin’ku
  • Gapuwiyak
  • Milingim­bi
  • Ramingin­ing

All suc­cess­ful appli­cants will have access to a range of ben­e­fits, including:

  • Com­pet­i­tive Salary: Earn between $119,634 to $128,524 per annum.
  • Secure Future: Ben­e­fit from 11.5% super­an­nu­a­tion contributions.
  • Hous­ing & Util­i­ties: Enjoy a com­pre­hen­sive hous­ing and util­i­ty pack­age for your comfort.
  • Relo­ca­tion & Repa­tri­a­tion: Up to $10,400 Assis­tance to make your tran­si­tion seamless.
  • Salary Pack­ag­ing: Max­i­mize your take-home pay with up to $15,900 per annum plus an addi­tion­al $2,650 on Meals & Entertainment.
  • Gen­er­ous Leave:
    • 6 weeks of annu­al leave with 17.5% leave loading.
    • Fares Out Leave to recharge and reconnect.
    • 12 days per­son­al leave and 5 days com­pas­sion­ate leave.
    • Annu­al Trav­el Assis­tance: Miwatj Annu­al Leave Trav­el Assis­tance of up to $2,179.89 gross per annum.
  • Pro­fes­sion­al Growth:
    • Access study leave and up to $1,800 in study assistance.
    • Receive a Post-Grad­u­ate Allowance of 2% of your annu­al salary.
    • Grow with tai­lored pro­fes­sion­al devel­op­ment programs.
  • Reten­tion Bonus: Full-time employ­ees may qual­i­fy for a $10,000 Reten­tion Bonus (sub­ject to eligibility)

Dis­cov­er East Arn­hem Land! Immerse your­self in Yol­ngu cul­ture, pris­tine beach­es, and breath­tak­ing land­scapes. Vis­it East Arn­hem Land Web­site to find out more https://​www​.eas​t​arn​hem​land​.com​.au/

About Miwatj

Miwatj Health is an inde­pen­dent Abo­rig­i­nal Com­mu­ni­ty-Con­trolled Health Ser­vice. Estab­lished in 1992, we’re com­mit­ted to secur­ing qual­i­ty health care ser­vices across the East Arn­hem and enabling Yolŋu pow­ered com­mu­ni­ty health and well­be­ing. Miwatj pro­vides cul­tur­al­ly appro­pri­ate, com­pre­hen­sive pri­ma­ry health care to over 6,000 remote Abo­rig­i­nal and Tor­res Strait Islander res­i­dents across 3 East Arn­hem wards. With a Head Office in Nhu­lun­buy, Miwatj also man­ages a Cor­po­rate Office in Dar­win, 7 fixed clin­ics across the East Arn­hem region, and ded­i­cat­ed out­reach teams who trav­el to 3 addi­tion­al locations.

Essen­tial Requirements

This role will see you work­ing in a remote Abo­rig­i­nal com­mu­ni­ty. All appli­cants must have an under­stand­ing of and com­mit­ment to Abo­rig­i­nal Com­mu­ni­ty Con­trol, self-deter­mi­na­tion, and the issues faced by Yolŋu peo­ple liv­ing in remote set­tings. To apply, please ensure you have a cur­rent Reg­is­tra­tion and Prac­tic­ing Cer­tifi­cate as Reg­is­tered Nurse and/​or mid­wife through AHPRA; 5 years’ expe­ri­ence work­ing in Mater­nal and Child Health; a cur­rent Mater­ni­ty Upskilling (MIDUS) cer­tifi­cate and/​or ALSO cer­tifi­cate; cur­rent Basic Life Sup­port (BLS) cer­tifi­cate; a cur­rent accred­it­ed immu­ni­sa­tion cer­tifi­cate (recog­nised in the NT); a Remote Phar­ma­cother­a­peu­tic Cer­tifi­cate (or equiv­a­lent); Accred­it­ed to com­plete Well Wom­ens Health checks; man­u­al driver’s license; and 35 years post-grad­u­ate expe­ri­ence with advanced clin­i­cal skills and com­pe­ten­cies applic­a­ble to remote set­tings (includ­ing the abil­i­ty to triage, work inde­pen­dent­ly, and par­tic­i­pate in after­hours emer­gency calls and First Response).

Please click on the attached Job Descrip­tion at…to review the full list of Essen­tial Requirements.

Vac­ci­na­tion & Immu­ni­ty Screening

Miwatj Health is com­mit­ted to pro­vid­ing a safe and healthy work­ing envi­ron­ment for all work­ers and users of its health­care cen­tres. In accor­dance with the Nation­al Health and Med­ical Research Coun­cil (NHM­RC) Guide­lines, Nation­al Safe­ty and Qual­i­ty Health Care Ser­vice Stan­dards, and oth­er local poli­cies, guide­lines and pro­ce­dures, we man­date that all staff abide by our Staff Vac­ci­na­tion and Immu­ni­ty Screen­ing Pol­i­cy (to be sup­plied to all suc­cess­ful candidates).

For more infor­ma­tion regard­ing the Vac­ci­na­tion & Immu­ni­ty Screen­ing require­ments, please con­tact recruitment@​miwatj.​com.​au.

Suc­cess­ful appli­cants must be will­ing to trav­el in small char­ter planes, and the abil­i­ty to dri­ve a 4WD will be looked upon favor­ably. For more detailed Selec­tion Cri­te­ria, please click to view the full Job Description.

For more infor­ma­tion, please con­tact the Direc­tor of Nurs­ing and Mid­wifery at donm@​miwatj.​com.​au