Please note: Our Cairns office will be per­ma­nent­ly closed from Fri­day 14 March 2025, and Ade­laide will commence oper­ation as our cen­tral hub. For any enquiries, please reach out to us directly.

Primary Health Care Nurses / Midwives Remote

Nursing, Midwifery

Posted: 14 Mar 2025

Location: Top End NT

Top End Health Services: Positions available for Primary Health Care Nurses/ Midwives Remote: Casual and temporary contracts available.

Health Careers & Oppor­tu­ni­ties in the Top End North­ern Territory

Cur­rent Vacan­cies Exist at Bor­roloola, Wad­eye, Robin­son Riv­er, Num­bul­war, Pine Creek, Palumpa, Pep­pi­me­nar­ti, Daly Riv­er, Ade­laide Riv­er, Gun­bal­anya Batch­e­lor, Julan­i­mawu, Pir­langimpi, Milikapi­ti, Angu­rugu, Alyan­gu­la and Jabiru

If you want your career to go places then join Top End Health Ser­vices with­in the North­ern Ter­ri­to­ry. Top End Health Ser­vices pro­vides com­pre­hen­sive Pri­ma­ry Health Care to com­mu­ni­ties through­out the Top End of the NT. The Pri­ma­ry Health Care teams range in size from 2 to 14 nurs­es and mid­wives, work­ing along­side Abo­rig­i­nal Health Prac­ti­tion­ers, Abo­rig­i­nal Com­mu­ni­ty Work­ers and Rur­al Med­ical Prac­ti­tion­ers. Ser­vices are pro­vid­ed with sup­port from vis­it­ing Spe­cial­ists, Allied Health Pro­fes­sion­als, Pub­lic Health Nurs­es and Med­ical Specialists.

In the Ter­ri­to­ry we offer more than just a job out bush. We offer the oppor­tu­ni­ty for you to work in part­ner­ship with the com­mu­ni­ty to achieve health out­comes. Oppor­tu­ni­ties are avail­able for Pri­ma­ry Health Care Nurs­es and Abo­rig­i­nal Health Practitioners 

All appli­cants must have a gen­uine inter­est in Abo­rig­i­nal Health with a focus on Pri­ma­ry Health Care. They will be high­ly moti­vat­ed, mature, flex­i­ble and adapt­able, and pos­sess rel­e­vant qualifications.

For fur­ther infor­ma­tion please con­tact PHCRecruitment.​DoH@​nt.​gov.​au 0889227183

Infor­ma­tion on the North­ern Ter­ri­to­ry and its great lifestyle is avail­able at www​.theter​ri​to​ry​.com​.au