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Pathway Incentives - New South Wales & ACT
Discover the remote nursing and midwifery career pathways and incentives available in New South Wales and ACT to support your work in remote health.
Undergraduate (RN/MID-EN)
Go Rural — Rural Career Experiences for University Students (Through NSW Rural Doctors Network)
Go Rural road trips are an opportunity for medical, nursing and allied health students to visit rural and remote communities and see first-hand the benefits of working rurally. Over a three to four-day tour of rural and remote NSW, students will experience: practice visits; clinical activities; community events; themed dinners; cultural events; historical exhibitions. Find out more here.
Bush Bursaries and Country Women’s Association Scholarships
This program provides selected medical, midwifery and nursing students in NSW/ACT with $1,500 each to assist with costs associated with their studies. Recipients also spend two weeks on a rural placement in country NSW during their university holidays. Find out more.
Outreach Student Placement Program (Through NSW Rural Doctors Network)
The Outreach Student Placement Program provides up to 100 selected medical, nursing and allied health students in NSW/ACT with the opportunity to shadow an Outreach provider in a rural or remote community. Find out more.
NSW Health Undergraduate Clinical Placement Grants
Grants are available to students for clinical placements undertaken at a NSW public health facility to assist with accommodation and travel expenses. Grant amounts are informed by distance, with longer distances attracting more substantive financial support up to $1000. Find out more.
NSW Health Rural Undergraduate Scholarships
Scholarships of up to $5000 are available to those from rural NSW undertaking first-year studies at a Bachelor of Nursing or Bachelor of Midwifery. Preference is given to applicants living in areas with the greatest workforce needs. Find out more.
Betty Josephine Fyffe Rural Equity Scholarships (University of Newcastle)
These scholarships provide support up to $50,000 over five years and are for students enrolled in varied health bachelors who can demonstrate the impact of their personal circumstances, and who have lived in regional or remote Australia recently. Find out more.
School of Nursing, Midwifery and Indigenous Studies Scholarships (Charles Sturt University)
Support to the value of $3500 is provided to eligible Bachelor of Nursing students demonstrating commitment to rural, regional or remote nursing. Find out more.
Placement Grants (Three Rivers UDRH/Charles Sturt University)
These opportunities range from on campus accommodation to outreach support, and cross health professions. They support eligible students to cover costs associated with placements, outreach and other aspects of learning. Find out more.
Diploma of Nursing Rural Travel Scholarship Incentive
The Diploma of Nursing Rural Travel Support Incentive provides financial travel assistance for Diploma of Nursing students from a rural area (MM3-MM7) in NSW. The applicant can apply for a travel incentive of $5,000 and use the funds for associated travel and accommodation costs related to Diploma of Nursing studies. Find out more.
Graduate Programs
NSW Health Graduate Programs
These programs have a centralised application process, ranked and assessed. Applicants can choose and negotiate pathways with Local Health Districts including Metro-rural-remote as/if available. They open in July. Find out more.
New Graduate Nursing and Midwifery Rural Support Incentive
The New Graduate Nursing and Midwifery Rural Support Incentive is available to new graduate nurses and midwives in NSW relocating to take up employment in identified rural or remote Local Health District (LHD) locations. The applicant can apply for a support incentive of $1,000 and use the funds to support their relocation to take up employment in an identified rural Local Health District area. Find out more.
Continuing Professional Development (Post-graduate Study Support)
The Health Workforce Scholarship Program (HWSP) through NSW Rural Doctors Network
The Health Workforce Scholarship Program (HWSP) provides scholarships and bursaries to help health professionals in rural and remote Australia retain and enhance their skills, capacity and scope of practice. The Program is an initiative of the Australian Government Department of Health, administered in New South Wales by NSW Rural Doctors Network (RDN). The HWSP is available to medical, nursing, midwifery, allied health, dental and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health professionals providing primary health care in the Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Services (ACCHS) sector, non-government organisations and private practice. Find out more.