Please note: Our Cairns office will be permanently closed from Friday 14 March 2025, and Adelaide will commence operation as our central hub. For any enquiries, please reach out to us directly.
Pathway Incentives - Queensland
Discover the remote nursing and midwifery career pathways and incentives available in Queensland to support your work in remote health.
Undergraduate (RN/MID-EN)
GROW Rural Programs through Health Workforce Queensland
GROW Rural is a unique, longitudinal rural immersion program which provides medical, nursing, midwifery and allied health students the annual opportunity over the course of three years to experience clinical practice. GROW Rural fosters the development of rural networks, friendships, and allows students to experience the unique lifestyle of rural and remote Queensland communities. It is open to first year medical, nursing, midwifery and allied health students from Queensland universities, and accepts international and domestic health students.
GROW Rural Central Queensland takes in the communities Woorabinda, Baralaba, Moura and Theodore. Application rounds for GROW Rural Central Queensland open in 2021 and 2024.
GROW Rural South West Queensland takes in the communities of Roma, St George, Cunnamulla and Charleville. Application rounds for GROW Rural South West Queensland open in 2023 and 2026.
For more GROW Rural information and application round dates please visit the GROW Rural webpage.
Going Rural North
Going Rural North offers nursing, midwifery, allied health, and dentistry students a rural placement bursary to assist with travel and accommodation expenses. It is open to current undergraduate or postgraduate students in a nursing, midwifery, allied health, or dentistry discipline at a Queensland university.
Going Rural North exclusively supports placements within the North Queensland Primary Health Network (NQPHN) region. Applications will be considered until the funding allocation is exhausted.
For more Going Rural information and to apply please visit the Going Rural North webpage.
Go Rural Virtually
Go Rural Virtually provides medical, nursing, midwifery, and allied health students with a virtual rural experience by showcasing Queensland rural communities through online webinars. The webinar format integrates landscape and community video footage with interview and topical panel discussions drawn from rural and remote health professionals and includes Q&A segments.
For more Go Rural Virtually information and webinar dates please visit Go Rural Virtually webpage, call (07) 3105 7800 or email
Helen Hall Rural and Remote Nursing Bursary (University of Sunshine Coast)
A scholarship of $2500 is available to third year Bachelor of Nursing Science/Bachelor of Midwifery Students undertaking a rural or remote nursing placement. Find out more.
Lucy Harris Bursary (University of Sunshine Coast, Fraser Coast Campus Only)
A scholarship worth $1000 is awarded annually to one second or third year nursing student at the Fraser Coast Campus who is undertaking a clinical placement in a rural or remote location. Find out more.
Greg Garrick Rural Nursing Bursary (James Cook University)
A scholarship worth $1500 for those enrolled in their second year of Nursing Science, Bachelor of Nursing Science or Bachelor of Midwifery. Students must have resided in a rural or regional location prior to studying. Find out more.
Student Travel Subsidy (James Cook University)
This subsidy is available to nursing and social work students based in Mount Isa, Cloncurry, Longreach and Weipa who are attending compulsary residential blocks in Townsville. Find out more.
Graduate Programs
Queensland Health Registered Nursing and Midwife Graduate Program
2022 opening 26 July. Rural programs are available. Find out more.
Graduate Program with Torres and Cape Hospital and Health Services (TCHHS)
This 12-month program gives practitioners the opportunity to work in remote Indigenous communities including in Cooktown, Weipa and Thursday Island. Find out more.
Continuing Professional Development (Post-graduate Study Support)
The Health Workforce Scholarship Program (HWSP) through Health Workforce Queensland
This program provides scholarships and bursaries to help health professionals in remote and rural Australia retain and enhance their skills, capacity and scope of practice. Scholarships or bursaries are available for medical, nursing/midwifery, dental, allied health and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health workers providing primary health care services in rural and remote Queensland in private practice, an Aboriginal Medical Service (AMS), Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisations (ACCHO) or a non-government or not-for-profit organisation. Eligibility includes qualified health professionals providing primary health care in rural and remote locations in Queensland in a MMM 3 – 7 location or qualified health professionals providing primary health care employed by an AMS and ACCHO in MMM 1 – 7 locations. Find out more.
Roberta M.C. Taylor Rural and Remote Nursing and Midwifery Scholarship (University of the Sunshine Coast)
This scholarship offers $4000 in post-graduate support for Honours, Postgraduate by Coursework or Higher Degrees by Research. It is for a commencing student from a rural/remote area of Australia who will relocate to the Sunshine Coast to study at USC; or a student who has completed a rural or remote placement and is undertaking study with a rural or remote focus. Find out more.
The Ron Macnamara Rural Nursing Scholarship (Queensland University of Technology)
The Ron Macnamara Rural Nursing Scholarship aims to foster the further education of female advanced practice nurses and nurse practitioners, with a view to making a difference to the future of rural and remote Australia. Find out more.