Please note: Our Cairns office will be per­ma­nent­ly closed from Fri­day 14 March 2025, and Ade­laide will commence oper­ation as our cen­tral hub. For any enquiries, please reach out to us directly.

Browse 2025 Courses

Use the fil­ter below to browse upcom­ing courses. 

Contextualised to remote practice

Our face-to-face courses and online courses are tailored to the unique circumstances of isolated health, including limited resources, distance from support, and working with retrieval services and across cultures. For new and experienced professionals alike, these professional development opportunities increase participant capability and confidence to respond to emergencies and deliver safe and quality care in remote settings, within scope of practice.

Nationally recognised

Our nursing courses, midwifery courses and other learning opportunities are developed and assessed by subject matter experts, reference best-practice clinical guidelines and remote health manuals, and are underpinned by Nation­al Safe­ty and Qual­i­ty Health Ser­vice (NSQHS) Stan­dards. The Education team is supported by Australian Government funding and regularly partners with health services to upskill staff and support their professional development needs. Courses deliver a range of widely recognised certificates, including a REC certificate and ALS certificate.

Based on experience

CRANAplus educators and volunteer facilitators are AHPRA-registered health professionals with relevant clinical expertise and specialist knowledge. Every course has an interactive, practical focus, and features hands-on skills stations with expert oversight. Building on over 25 years of experience since the launch of its first course, CRANAplus now delivers up to 100 face-to-face courses a year as part of its commitment to improving health outcomes and contributing to the retention of the remote and isolated health workforce.


With similar providers concentrating on larger metropolitan locations, CRANAplus starts delivering where other providers stop. Our schedule includes regional, rural, and remote locations in every state and territory (excluding ACT), as well as scheduled online courses and self-paced online learning, enabling the remote health workforce to access education with optimal convenience to themselves, and their workplace.

More infor­ma­tion

Please sub­mit an enquiry or con­tact us on (07) 4047 6400.