About this course
  • Are you part of a health team that requires Basic Life Sup­port (BLS) skills?
  • Would you know how to save a life when there is no breath­ing or response present?
  • Is BLS part of your organ­i­sa­tions annu­al core com­pe­tence requirement?

The BLS pro­gram address­es CPR resus­ci­ta­tion of infants, chil­dren and adults. It is suit­ed for all health pro­fes­sion­als prac­tic­ing in a remote and iso­lat­ed con­text. The CRANAplus BLS course is designed to pro­vide a flex­i­ble learn­ing oppor­tu­ni­ty that will ensure best prac­tice and is con­tex­tu­alised to the remote and iso­lat­ed setting.

Who is this course for?

Reg­is­tered Nurs­es, Reg­is­tered Mid­wives, Enrolled Nurs­es, Abo­rig­i­nal & Tor­res Strait Islander Health Workers/​Practitioners, Para­medics, Ambu­lance Offi­cers, Med­ical Offi­cers and oth­er remote health prac­ti­tion­ers. It is ide­al­ly suit­ed for health pro­fes­sion­als prac­tis­ing in remote and iso­lat­ed set­tings who require this skill set annually.

BLS is also a pre­req­ui­site for many cours­es, includ­ing the CRANAplus Advanced Life Sup­port course.

Course deliv­ery

The BLS course con­sists of the fol­low­ing components:

  • An online pre-course mod­ule that must be com­plet­ed before the course
  • Atten­dance at a face to face work­shop that con­sists of a lec­ture and an indi­vid­ual prac­ti­cal skills assessment.
On suc­cess­ful com­ple­tion of this course, clin­i­cians will be able to…
  • Per­form Basic Life Sup­port as per Aus­tralian Resus­ci­ta­tion Coun­cil guidelines
  • Describe the com­po­nents of the adult BLS algo­rithm (DRSABCD)
  • Describe the com­po­nents of the Pae­di­atric BLS algo­rithm for Health Pro­fes­sion­als per ARC guidelines
  • List the steps in using an auto­mat­ed exter­nal defib­ril­la­tor (AED) and safe­ty precautions
  • Dis­cuss ces­sa­tion of BLS
On suc­cess­ful com­ple­tion par­tic­i­pants will be awarded…
  • A CRANAplus Basic Life Sup­port (Adult, Child & Infant) cer­tifi­cate (valid for one year)
Cater­ing information

Giv­en the remote loca­tion of many of our cours­es, we are some­times restrict­ed to Veg­e­tar­i­an and Gluten Free dietary options. While we always sup­ply fresh food and fruit, par­tic­u­lar foods may not be eas­i­ly accessed in remote areas. Should you have quite spe­cif­ic restric­tions we encour­age you to bring some basics and then pick and choose from the fresh food offered on the day. You should also inform us of any aller­gies you may have so we can advise the cater­er and be aware of the situation.

Finan­cial sup­port to attend

CRANAplus Mem­bers receive a dis­count on face-to-face course reg­is­tra­tion and are eli­gi­ble to apply for var­i­ous CRANAplus pro­fes­sion­al devel­op­ment grants to meet the costs asso­ci­at­ed with course atten­dance. You can also find a list of grants and schol­ar­ships offered by exter­nal providers, such as the Health Work­force Schol­ar­ship Pro­gram, on our Path­way Incen­tives page.

Addi­tion­al FAQs

View the answers to oth­er fre­quent­ly asked ques­tions about CRANAplus face-to-face courses.