Will you be joining us at the 2024 Remote Nursing & Midwifery Conference?
23-25 October 2024, Naarm/Melbourne. Click here to view our preliminary program or to register.

Nao­mi is a com­mit­ted edu­ca­tor, man­ag­er, nurse, teacher and schol­ar who has a wide inter­est in the process of how peo­ple learn. She has an exten­sive his­to­ry of work­ing in reg­u­la­to­ry envi­ron­ments with stu­dents and edu­ca­tors from across Aus­tralia in hos­pi­tals, uni­ver­si­ties, not for prof­it organ­i­sa­tions, and com­mu­ni­ty spaces.

Naomi’s con­tri­bu­tion to CRANAplus lies in her strong­ly held belief that health edu­ca­tion is about giv­ing peo­ple tools and struc­tures to apply what they know to their prac­tice and in empow­er­ing peo­ple use what they know more help­ful­ly in all walks of life. She uses her doc­tor­al research to pre­pare staff and stu­dents to think crit­i­cal­ly about them­selves and their work­place decisions.