The CRANAplus offices will be closed from midday Tuesday 24 December and will reopen on Thursday 2 January 2025. The CRANAplus Bush Support Line is available throughout the holidays and can be contacted at any time on 1800 805 391.
Face-to-face Courses
Our face-to-face clinical skills courses prepare nurses and midwives for remote practice.
CRANAplus delivers specialised courses to support and develop remote health and isolated health professionals and managers. From midwifery upskilling, to emergency nursing, to triage and life support courses, our clinical skills courses cover all fields of remote area practice.
Through our nursing courses such as our REC course, maternity emergency care course, emergency triage workshop, ALS certificate course, and BLS training, we provide remote nurse training in practice areas including basic life support, advanced life support, clinical emergency care, mental health training, and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander maternity and remote emergency care.
Advanced Life Support
Designed for Nurses, Midwives, Paramedics, and Medical Officers, but open to any remote health care workers, the Advanced Life Support Program is based on ANZCOR Guidelines and best practice principles. The course will provide the remote health workforce with the advanced life support skills… read more
Advanced Remote Emergency Care + Advanced Life Support
Designed specifically for Nurses and remote GPs, but open to a variety of remote health care professionals, the Advanced Remote Emergency Care course aims to extend the competencies of the experienced Remote Health Practitioner to an advanced level. It has a focus on team leadership, critical… read more
Basic Life Support
The BLS program addresses CPR resuscitation of infants, children and adults. It is suited for all health professionals practicing in a remote and isolated context.
First Line Triage
Our First Line Triage Course (FLTC) is designed specifically for Medical Receptionists and/or Practice Nurses with a focus on the application of triage principals in a primary health setting. It is typically delivered on an organisational basis with prices being provided upon application.
Maternity Emergency Care
Designed for Nurses, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Practitioners, Paramedics and Medical Officers, the Maternity Emergency Care course enables the remote health workforce to develop the knowledge and skills necessary to provide emergency care for expectant mothers and their babies in… read more
Mental Health Emergencies
The remote and isolated health workforce frequently identify that they feel insufficiently trained and skilled to manage people presenting with acute mental health issues, substance use, suicidal behaviours and episodes of acute distress. This course aims to build participant knowledge, skills and… read more
Midwifery Upskilling
Designed for Midwives or GPs with relevant obstetric experience, the Midwifery Upskilling course provides an overview of current best practice in antenatal, intrapartum and postnatal care. This includes a discussion of complications in pregnancy/birth and the emergency management of a pregnant… read more
Mirii (Star)
Designed for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Practitioners and Workers, the Mirii (Star) course upskills participants in the use of local clinical care manuals and guidelines such as CARPA and PCCM to respond to common patient presentations and undertake systematic patient assessment,… read more
Paediatric Emergency Care & Paediatric Advanced Life Support (PEC + PALS)
Designed for nurses, paramedics, and doctors, the interactive, practical PEC + PALS course covers knowledge and clinical skills essential to the emergency management of children in low-resource settings.
Remote Emergency Care
Designed for Nurses, Midwives, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Practitioners, Paramedics, and Medical Officers, the Remote Emergency Care course allows participants to develop the knowledge and skills necessary to respond with confidence to emergency… read more